
Give the ture feature back to the history

Plenty of people consider the Bible as an excellent literary product,as well as an excellent ethical work.In fact it was not,the Bible was the word of God,and all things of the universe are products of God,while the Bible is an instruction book of this product.There is nothing excessive to speak that.

I am a prophet God raised in this great era,my work is to go on with our ancestors' work,to satisfy the great plan of God since ancient time -- the Kingdom of God with men.Now it's enough for us to realize the authenticity of the Bible,and realize the faithfulness of Godand how wonderful and well-oganized and great God's plan of salvation was.For as what Christianity preached about was the only God,the saviour of human life,thus when the church was growing up,the servants of God,especially the prophets God entrust would be attacking objects of Satan.I had mentioned in the former message that when I experienced in God,I experienced satan as well.I used to be trapped in the temptation and enticement of satan,that was a difficult experience.Satan wanted to tempt me to deny God,in order to block the great plan of Christ returns,yet in this painful temptation,I had not found any evidence to deny the exsistence of God,oppositely ,duing to the temptation of satan,I have really and truely seen the history clearly.To tell the truth,I have human's weakness either,and even complained God for telling me so much,however in ordinary life I was a frank and direct person and love to tell the truth.It was for this signature of me,God chose me as his prophet,and made me bear witness for him with honesty.I used to be weak and hovering,but when I considered of the fate of humananity in future and the great plan for thousands of years of God,it was conscience that pushing me ahead to bear witnesses here with honesty.

 Islamism lifted the Scripture

If a robber had snatched a product of others,he ought to lie that the product was owned by him,yet he never knew how this product was constructed.God is the highest lord of the universe,he created all things of universe.And all the creatures are God's products,while the Bible is the structure of the product.

There was no other scripture besides the Bible revealing that all the creatures of universe were created by him,even the Koran of Islamism says,what they believe is the only one the Creator,by whom everything is controlled and arranged.However,this word doesn't has any proof,to the opposite,in the record Mohammed "received the revelation" --"the Koran",we could see Islamism has stolen plenty of scripture of the Christian Bible.Many people know that,the basic faith of Islamism is very close to that of Christianity.In the scripture of Islamism there were eight most important prophets,they were Adam,Noah,Abraham,Moses,David,Jesus,except two prophets -- Mohammed included,the other six were all Biblical characters.Islamism believes that Jesus was given birh by a virgin,yet does not admit Jesus was God.They only regard Jesus as a man,and a prophet.The Islamic scripture says,Jesus did not die on the Cross,the one who really died on the Cross was Judas who masqueraded as Jesus etc.If Jesus had not died on the Cross,then the resurrection would not happen.Then the Islamic Koran appeared,which belived the Doomday and resurrection of the dead,and the one Islamism believed in would put punishment to human-being.

No matter how many sects the church of God was divided into,what they preached was the same God,but the basical faith of Islamism was very close to Christian,yet each of them preached that what they believed in was the only.Thus problem appeared,their basical faith were very close,while what was preached were two only,we should speak with honesty that,there must be a false one which has lifted the other one's.Wrote here,I have remembered that in the literary and art circles,there were always phenomenons of stealing drama plays.The Doomsday Judgement is about to come,that who actually will be the one to put humans on trail is very important to us.No matter Moslems or Christians or people from all circles,we should respect the history with a honest heart,that is very important to us.The era that we are living in now is an era speaking with good manners but not an era presuing a religion with violence,the modern science and human wisdom are enough for testing and verifying the truth of the Bible and the Koran.

The Islamic Koran was a product of Mohammed,who was born at 570 AD.when he was 12,he used to go with his uncle and the caravan to the district of Palestine and Syria,and heard a lot of Biblical stories,which made him impressive,then he lifted the Bible to write the "Koran".We could see here that,the Bible was earlier than the Koran.The first book of the Old Testament has a history of more than 3500 years,even the New Testament has a hostory of at least 2000 years,yet the Islamic Koran only has a history of 1400 years,thus never will there be a possibility that the Bible stole the Koran,it was the Koran that had stolen the scripture of the Bible.

Mohammed's Koran was self-contradictory,he admitted that Jesus was a prophet,yet denied that he went to the Cross.The assurance of Jeses in prophet was the prophecy of going to cross and the resurrection,if Jesus had not,then how to explain he was a prophet?If Islamism had believed the only Creator,why would they steal the Biblical scripture?Not only had the Koran stolen the Biblical scripture,but distorted it,if we hold a honest heart,it is easy to pick it up.When Lord Jesus went to the Cross,and resurrected from the death,it was 33 AD;yet the coming out of the Koran was at 622 AD.Lord Jesus went to the cross nearly 600 years earlier than the "Koran",Mohammed could never know the scene when Jesus went to the cross.But the Koran distorted the Bible without any evidence saying:Jesus had not died at the Cross......the real one that died at the cross was Judas,who had been made up as Jesus.So ridiculous!When the Lord Jesus was crucified,his apostles had all scared away.Three days later when Lord Jesus was raised up from dead and frequently appeared to his disciples,the disciples were both surprised and delighted(there are detailed records in the Bible),who testified for Lord Jesus were these disciples.The Bible is a true history,and is the word of God the Great Creator,yet the "Koran" was made up from the Bible by Mohammed.The history is a heartless mirror,which can righteously reflect one's true image.

Mohammed was not a prophet

The Islamic "Koran" has lifted plenty of pieces of the Christian scripture,there were eight most important prophets in the Koran,six of whom were Bibilic characters.The Koran says:Mohammed is the important one among these prophets,and his position was far higher than the prophets before him.Wrote here I really feel ridiclous,what is called the prophet?There was an old saying:Prophet,prophet,he prophecied before a thing happens.A prophet is to prophecy,and to set the things that not happen yet,and then they are to be fulfilled.For example,when Lord Jesus was still on the earth,he prophecied several times saying:The Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death.and will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!(Matthew 20:18-19)This was what the Lord Jesus prophecied,when this prophecy was fulfilled,as the Bible says:I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.(Matthew 28:5-6)

So I 'm asking,what were the prophecies of Mohammed the prophet "far higher than Jesus" in the "Koran"?And which of them were fulfilled?What was the proof that he was "far higher than Jesus"?People who are famaliar with the "Koran" both inside and outside of Christianity know that,Mohammed had neither prophocy nor filfulling prophecy,he had only stolen the Biblical scripture and falsified the history.Even the sensitiveness of the Islamism to pigs was due to Mohammed stealing the Bible and their rituallly naiveness.He who is famaliar with the "Koran" could see the problems in its method of compiling.The method of compiling of the "Koran" was not by the order of revelation or by the time events happened,but by putting the longest character in the front,and the shortest behind.After the "Koran" came out to the world,there were many difficulties in detail explaination.What I said was ture,and could be checked in the scripture.

Testify the Bible through human science

 With the development of human science and archaeology,the authenticity of the Biblehas been more clearly proved.The Bible is not a scientific monograph,but a great God-breathed work telling about the creatures of God,the salvation of God to human and his Kingdom.However there did were many predictions about science,which far beyond human's cognazition,and were proved by modern science day afer day,making people amazed and overwhelmed.

Now we all know,the earth is a sphere which floats in the universe.It was proved by Nick Moore in 1475 that the earth was a sphere,which made all the people shocked.Before that people thought of the earth as plane,yet the Bible was written clearly two thousand years before Nick Moore saying:He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers.(Isaiah 40:22)The word "circle" here refered to a solid sphere in Hebrew scripture,but not a plane arc.

In the 17th century,Newton found the the law of universal gravitation,so that it could be explained that why the earth was able to float in the universe,was because the balance of gravities betweem the earth and the sun.However about the floating of the earth,the Bible had told out three thousand years earlier than Newton that:God suspends the earth over nothing.(Job 26:7)

Newton was a scientist,as well as a christian.On his table was a gorgeous model of the solar system,once turning the crank,all the stars will run as each orbit.One day a friend of him who was a non-Christian saw this delicate model,and he liked it very much that couldn't bare to put it down.He asked Newton:Who's the excellently-skilled craftman designed and produced it?Newton replied loosely without thinking:No one made it.His friend was deeply puzzled:How would there be no one to make it?Newton asked:If a model must be designed and produced by man,why would the solar system actually running as this model be created by an accidental crash without a disigner and a producer?This friend was tongue-tied for a moment,immediately he came to realize it,then he became to believe in God.

The wind-direction system of the earth.George Hadley first ptu foreward the theory that the atmosphere goes around from the equator to the two poles,which was called "the Hadley Mold.However,early before the Christ,the Bible had pointed out the wind-direction system.The Bible says:The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.(Ecclesiastes 1:6):The wind blows to the south and turns to the north--refers to the Hadley Mold.

The hydrology is the science about water circulation to study the phenomenons of water evaporating,condensing and transforming to rain and snow and falling etc,this theory of water circulation was not accepted until the 16th and 17th cuntury.The scientists found,the quantity of flow of the Seine River in France was closely related to the rainfall.Yet three thousand years ago,the Bible had clearly written the theory of water circulation.All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.(Ecclesiates 1:7)What graceful and beautiful poetic languages,and what terse and exact scientific description!

About the Polaris,it is written in the Bible:He spreads out the northern over empty space.The ancient astronomers all believed that this was in vain.Until modern times,with the invention of telescope which could read tiny words printings 20 miles away.Observing the north pole with this telescope,the truth of the Bible had finally been proved.

 In the high places of mountains,the archaeologists always found bones of humans and animals were piled together,it was because humans and animals had escaped from the flood together(the Noah's Ark),hide on the mountains,finally they were drowned together as the water rised high,so that the bones were piled,that was the evidence of the Flood ruining the world.And the archaeology has revealed that the family tree of Abraham the ancestor of Israelites has a exact historicity.Wrote here I am really deeply touched,the tongue God called Abraham and made a covenant with him and changed his name,was just so agreed with that he calls me and makes a covenant with me,and change my name today.The Bible is so ture!

The predictions of the Bible about science has a wide range from astronomy to geography,from the earth to the ocean,from the animals and plants to humans,there were rich and corlorful ones,of which several examples were taken in front.Everytime I read,thought and spoke about these examples,my heart was deeply moved again and again.Like the floating and circling of the earth,and the wind-direction system and the water circulation of the earth are all marcoscopical phenomenons,which could not been watched all aroud without standing high above the earth.The character of the electromagnetic wave,and the function of the hemagglutinin could only been expressed clearly since now the pyisics and medicine was highly developed.However,thousands of years ago,humans had no airplane or eadar,and could not launch satellites or spaceship,not to mention they didn't know what bacterium,vitamine.electricity and magnetism was,yet in that age,why could the Bible written so clear and exact expaining about the true features of these "natural" phenomenons?As Job an authority of the Bible said:Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.(Job 42:3)That again proved inrafultably that:The Bible was the word that God tought,which was to make us clearly know that,God was the Creator of allthe things in universe.And as Job said:Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?(Job 12:9)God says:Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away!What a great proclaiming it was,because God was highly greater than the heaven and the earth.Both the Buddhist doctrine and the "Koran" of Islamism could not make such a proclaiming,for Sakyamuni and Mohammed were both limited men,the Buddhist doctrine and the "Koran "were written by men.Yet the Bible was gospel truths done by God revealing humans to write,the New Word today is the best testinomy.

God acts wonfully and greatly,the Bible reveals not only his creation but human's falling and sinning,as well as the judgement and salvation of God.It was pronounced countlessless times from Old Testament to New Testament that,God will put all humans on trial,which is the great Judgement Day of God.For this reason,God became flesh according his plan two thousand years ago,and finished the Salvation of the Cross.Today when the time has fully come,God gives the great salvation according to his great plan since ancient time.These true and living testimonies could not found any in the Islamic "Koran".Here I earnestly request the Islamists,Christians and people from all circles to go to search and study the falseness of the Bible and the "Koran",that is highly important.Because the Doomsday Judgement is about to come,which relates to that if our lifes could be rescued.Who that buys a goods was willing to get a false one?(I have an old lady neighbour who bought a gold bar with a huge sum,after a few years she found it was false,and she finally died because of heart hurting to breathlessness)Buying a false goods is harmless,yet believing in false ones is much more harmless,the history is truely a mirror,it could been found the diffirence of true God and false Gods from the histories of the Christianiny and the Islamism,it is ture.

The sixty-six books of the Bible were written by more than forty authorities for more than 1600 years.There were kings,prophets above,and fishermen,publicans in low position,though the authorities were apart by huge time and space barriers.but the whole Bible was hold a continual meaning,and echoed each other in front and behind in one.The moral characters of Jesus alive in the world,and all sorts of signs given,together with the historical fact of his resurrection after three days,have clearly revealed that he was the son of God.The resurrectiong of Jesus was the foundation of Christianity,without the resurrection,there would be no Christianity today.Canon Westcott of Cambridge University said:Actually if putting all the evidences together,we could bravely speak that,there was no second historical event which rather had full and various evidences than the resurrection of Jesus.Except you had a prejudice first,thinking of it as false,otherwise there was nothing to make us believe that the resurrection was lacking of evidences.That Jesus could resurrect from death proved,he was God.

 I deeply know that God acts wonderfully and strictly.In Old Testament he gave the prophecy that the virgin will give birth to a child through the prophet,several hundred years later,he satistied the prophecy by becoming flesh in the virgin.When he had done the Salvation of the Cross,and was raised to the heaven,he gave the prophecy that he would come back.Today according to the prophecy that he would come back,he gives the great salvation before the Judgement.As the Bible says:He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.No matter with science or history,we could see clearly the truth of the Bible.

Here I earnestly request "the Islamist leaders and believers",all of us should respect the history with a honest heart,and give a ture feature back to the history.I'm a human as you are,there was no personal contradiction between you and us,even when I was writing this messaage there was weaknesses of human in me,yet it was the strong sense of justice and responsibility and mission that hold on me to finish this message.A true history will give inspiration to human,and happiness to later generations.If you still keep what has been known as false,isn't that harmless for others and yourself?The Judgement is about to come,God gives the great salvation to human,and the gospel is for everyone,as long as the Islamists are willing to repent and come before God,God surely will remit your sins,and give you eternal lifes!This word is believable,amen!

When I was writing this message,I was very excited,God is God,he never pushed on his faith by force,but brought humans into submission with his infinite truth.The virgin giving birth to a son,resurrection after three days,and the great salvation of Christ returns,these living testinomies reveal that he is God,and is the pouring water source of faith,hope.love,truth,kindness and beauty.Yet the Islamism was drawn up by Mohammed lifting the Bible and pushing his religion faith by force.These true histories reveal that true God differs from the false one,and the false one is the devil!The Bible could bear the test of time,the more developed the human science is,the more realistic the Bible will be.Why are the majority of astromers are devout Christians?Because the more they do research,it will be more difficult for them to find the evidence of that the universe came from natural collision,oppositely it will be confirmed that there is a Lord the Creator,the Bible and the New Word are the best testimonies!

God's righteousness is revealed by the exposure of the mystery of the dragon of two and a half thousand years in China,and the Islamism of one thousand years!The end to all things is coming.God the highest Lord of the universe is to clean the world with his authority,that is the Doomsday Judgement,yet the Judgement is neither explosion of the earth nor extinction of human.The Judgement is God to put a punichment on humans for they sins of not knowing to be thankful while enjoying God's,but worshipping false gods and reject him!How to get rescued?As th Bible says:Everyone who admits his sin and repents,and calls on the name of the Lord(Believes in God) will be saved!

The Lord Jesus is the God who deserves the worships and praisers of people all around the world!Amen!

Contact E-mail: dfyongyue@126.com

Give the ture feature back to the history

Plenty of people consider the Bible as an excellent literary product,as well as an excellent ethical work.In fact it was not,the Bible was t...